Why Lead Student-Led Research? Why should you engage your students in student-led STEM research?
Research and the NC Science and Engineering Fair provides your students:
- an opportunity to pursue a personal areas of interest and curiosity
- real world experience with the new NC Standards for Science and Engineering Practices.
- Increases student achievement in reading, math, writing, communication, and presentation skills
- A chance to develop and apply research skills
- develop communication skills while presenting their research to a diverse audience
- creates enthusiasm in science and technology while encouraging project-based inquiry
- enhances the eight competencies of the NC Portrait of a Graduate
Don’t let the word “research” intimidate your students!
The NC Science Fair Foundation (NCSFF) is here to support, encourage, and engage with you and your students by:
- Providing teacher workshops,webinars, and resources
- How to guide a student-led research project
- How to support students in a school, district, regional, and state NCSEF
- Host a discussion forum with teachers and other STEM colleagues
- Providing information on dates and details for student participation in NCSEF
Important Dates and Details
Make sure you don’t miss any registration deadlines. Fair and registration dates for the regional fairs and state fair can be found here
If you have any questions about participating in the North Carolina Science & Engineering Fair contact the fair director at director@ncsciencefair.org.